Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Practical driving test advice?UK?

I have my driving test next week , Please can you give me some tips and advice ?

Im so determined to pass !Practical driving test advice?UK?
I found a few things helpful.

I adjusted my mirrors so I had to move my head slightly when I looked in them to show the examiner that I was really looking in them.

When you park at the waiting area for them to come out and your test to begin, reverse park so that you can drive out straight. This puts less pressure on you to instantly do a reversing manouver.

Leave your window open a small way at the top on your side and dont have the heating on high or at all. You think better with a cool head. If you are to warm or not enough fresh air it can be destracting.

Practice your manouvers the day before with someone until you get them perfect. Dont be tempted to do them loads of times on the day as it might put you off if you are worried and muck them up a bit. Confidence is part of what they are looking for as well as ability so the less you do to shake that on the day the better you will drive.

Hope this helps. Good luck.Practical driving test advice?UK?
read up on theory and revise the night before. also, try to practice all the required skills u might need in the test when ure behind the wheel. adjust the mirrors right, don't panic and DON'T do what my cousin do and fail coz u start drivin with- out ure seatbelt on! also, i'd recommend havin a big cuppa hot chocolate with whippy cream and chocolate sprinkles on b4 bed. always sends u to sleep, and u need agood sleep b4 a big test.

gd luck! =)

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