The thing with the RLC is that it has so many elements, and therefore so many opportunities for advancement. Have you thought about EOD? Both The RLC and The Engineers have ATO's. What you dont want to do is to get yourself in the position where you can't get close to the top of the pyramid because you join a Corps or Regiment in which you could easily get stuck at Major however good you are. I can think f several good Officers I know who went through Staff College who are stuck at Lt. Col for that very reason. Not that there is anything wrong with being a Lt. Col but mighty frustrating when you watch less able Officers rise higher simply because they chose carefully in the first place.Army officer advice (UK)?
My husband is in the RLC, has had a really rewarding career and has loved every minute of it. While he didn't join as an officer, he's done 18 years now and is applying for his Commission to become an LE Officer. The RLC is one of the biggest Corps and so opportunities are plentiful and remember, once you're commissioned and in you could always look at transferring. I work with soldiers in the Armoured Corp and dissatisfaction is so much higher than anything I've ever seen in the RLC. I suggest trying to get a trade so the Royal Engineers might be worth a look too!
Think of what you want in a career and go in that be an officer you need leadership skills but you also nee to know what you are doing.The Royal engineers are a good bet
R E is a good bet if you have the quals.
The Royal Logistic Corp is also a great outfit.
My son is in the RLC and enjoys every ????? minute of it.
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