Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Moving to Canada from UK - Investing advice?

My husband and I are moving to Canada in the next couple of years with a decent sum of money.

We have been advised to place the money into long-term investments. Obviously we would either keep the money in a British investment or Canadian investment - whichever offers the higher yield.

Advice is most welcome!Moving to Canada from UK - Investing advice?
Do you have investment experience???

It matters..

If you don't have investment experience you should do one of 3 options.

One, get a good broker who will advise you on buying and selling stocks and bonds. Paid by selling /buying commission)

Two, Get a financial advisor that will look at your total financial picture and guide you through, investments, insurance and retirement planning and estate planning.(Paid by fee or sales charge)

Three, Go to any Canadian bank, talk to their investment dept, and they will set you up with a basket of mutual funds that will fit your investment criteria and risk tolerance (all no charge)

If you have investment experience, the world is your oyster, do what you like.Moving to Canada from UK - Investing advice?
Find a good investment firm. My personal firm is Clarica. In Canada we have RRSP's or Registered Retirment Savings Plans. Going tio one of these firms, or banks will allow you to invest all or potion out your money into varies mutual funds. The best thing about RRSP's is that as you contibute yearly, you can use it as tax write-off. Only paying tax when withdrawn. The mutual funds do allow for foreign investment, but some Canadian investment is a must, legally. If this is not for you my I suggest investing a bio-fuel company.
I'm a mortgage broker from Edmonton, Alberta. We have a superheated economy and real estate has increased 55% in the last year, with a 17% increase the first quarter of this year. Buy a home in Edmonton, if your moving here anyway you will build a substantially amount of equity by the time you eventually move here. I'm not soliciting business you would be better of paying cash. If you want real estate information about Alberta feel free to contact me
First of all, whoever said the Canadian market was a bad idea has no idea what they are talking about. It has been one of the best performing markets globally over the past 5 years and the Canadian dollar has appreciated against the Pound (and most other currencies) over that period.

If you are moving to Canada permanently you are going to be spending Canadian dollars. You are exposing yourself to currency risk by keeping your money in Sterling.

Spreading your money out over numerous markets is the wisest thing you could do. There are so many other factors you should consider as well - your age, what you'll be using the money for and when. It's very important you explore all your options and speak to someone who knows what they're talking about.

Lastly, maintaing assets in the UK when you are no longer a resident could have tax implications.

Best thing to do is speak to a professional. More than one in fact. Get as much information as you can - especially if it's your life's saving.

Good luck
Are you investing in lumber, or something?

Other than that, Canadian investment is possibly the worst idea, ever.
i say uk.

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