Monday, August 23, 2010

What do you think about the NL cash game advice on

There is a whole section on No Limit cash games. What do you think of the starting hands chart at click on this link and then open the pdf file starting hand chart. does it give good advice?What do you think about the NL cash game advice on
i didn't look, but i'd be surprised if it's any different than a thousand other sources.What do you think about the NL cash game advice on
Does it give good advice? Absolutely not. Ace King, suited or unsuited, is one of the most overrated hands in poker. According to the chart, you should raise a re-raise from any position with that hand. Pre-flop, a pair of twos is a better hand. There are 13 hands that are better, in fact. A suited Ace King could arguably be the best drawing hand, but what do you do when there are no aces, kings, Broadway draws, or there's a rainbow flop? You've got a high card situation, which is pretty much garbage.

And just call if you're blind with pocket Queens and there's been a raise? Aside from the fact that the chart doesn't indicate how big the raise should be (either from you or your opponent) in ANY situation, if somebody raises your blind with suited Jack 10, you're only supposed to call? That chart is worthless in my opinion. Not only is it completely void of good advice, it completely removes the human element from the game. If you're playing according to the chart, someone will pick up on your pattern eventually. And it probably goes without saying that nobody else you're playing against will be following those guidelines.
Well, it's not terrible for a beginner. It's actually a pretty typical hand chart, which is just a guideline to get you started. You're not going to win much at anything but the weakest of games, but you should be able to limit your losses. If you've barely played poker or are getting destroyed playing junk cards on a regular basis, this is a fine place to start.

As far as Full Houses' comments, I agree that you're generally not going to raise a re-raise with AK suited. There are certainly situations where you would, but as a general rule, I'd just call a re-raise, and if you happen to be at one of the super-tight tables where nobody re-raises without QQ or better, I would not be averse to folding. As far as calling in the blinds will QQ, it's not the horrible play he's making out out to be. If you assume your opponents are playing a similarly tight style, then they're not going to be raising from early position with JT (like Full House suggested), so I don't know what that little rant was about. Typically, an early raiser is probably going to have an ace in his hand, so calling out of position, waiting to see if an Ace comes on the flop, they going from there is a fine approach to that hand.

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