Having a baby here in the UK does not automatically make it a British Citizen if it's parents are not British citizens themselves. Giving birth here will not entitle your child to any benefits or a British passport, and it will not give you any rights to stay in this country.Hello All, Thanks for your advice. What about if i have my baby in the Uk?
It's called anchor babies, that is, a third world pregnant woman flies to America, Canada, Europe or Australia to have her kid so the kid becomes automatically a citizen of whichever country it's born in, except it's not that simple, anymore. The people have caught on to the scam and the governments are changing stuff.
That a child becomes an automatic citizen just because it is born there from foreign parents who entered the country just for that purpose is absurd.
Go to Canada, instead. They are bleeding hearts. Invent a good sob story and, believe me, you'll get what you want.
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