I was just coming down the street and no, i wasnt breaking the speed limit, a lot slower infact and this weird guy with an anorak on, took a picture of my car with his mobile phone camera, intruiged i turned around and asked him why he took a picture, he said you were speeding...... i told him where to go, he then said he was going to the police to report it. i laughed and drove off. I just dont think someone can walk into a police station, with a picture of a car on a mobile, and say, this car was speeding..... or can they, he was a right idiot and wouldnt mind so much if i was. Any advice, or just ignore it?Some weird guy with a mobile camera.... advice needed. UK Please?
Just Ignore it.
How can you tell if a car is speeding from a photograph (other than if it was taken by a speed camera).
You can't judge how fast something is moving from a still photo. A mobile phone camera isn't the best of quality anyway.
Even if you were speeding he'd be lucky to get a shot of your car (and if he did it wouldn't be very clear).
Going slowly past in a car is probably the only way he would get a clear photo on a mobile camera.
If he took that into the police station they would think he was crazy.Some weird guy with a mobile camera.... advice needed. UK Please?
He can report you and make a statement against you for reckless driving. This did happen to a friend of mine (who was driving like a berk) and all they got was a letter telling them to behave in a nut shell.
If he took a photo as appose to a video then obviously you weren't driving that fast.
Hes probably just a busy body with naff all better to do with his time.
he is a new breed of police '; informers '; equipped with a very high tech '; speedlog '; mobile phone cam .these are supplied by all police forces throughout the UK to local speed ( civilian ) enforcement officers . it will stand up in court . your nicked .
ignore it, he has to have hard evidence, even the police can't give you a ticket without evidence from a speed gun or speed camera
The police will probably laugh at him too. How can they verify what your speed was from a mobile phone video??? I'd just forget about him unless you see him doing it again. Then run the gimp over.
omg, some people. Nope nothing can happen.
Dont worry.
ha ha ha just ignore what this guy did ... when you get caught speeding there is alot more things like the speed you was doing , pic of your car ect i dont think a mobilephone has all this capability to do all this ...
if you think about it in this way when you get a speeding ticket of a camrea on the picture what the DVLA recieve it has on it the time , date , location, your car , number plate . and the speed . abit like what you see on the P,N,C kit in a police car . in other words the camrea in side a police car . and when you protest this at court they show you the picture with all this info on it . so dont worry he sounds like a right idiot . the villag kn*bhead in other words lol
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