Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Advice please: I want to study law, UK route or US route?

I'm currently in high school doing the IB diploma and I want to study law. I can't decide whether I should go to the UK or to the US. What are the advantages/disadvantages?

advice is appreciated!Advice please: I want to study law, UK route or US route?
It depends where you want to practice and which country you're in at the moment. It will usually be cheaper and easier for home students in both places, and there won't be any post study immigration issues.

The biggest difference really is how legal education works: In the US law (Juris Doctorate) is a post-graduate degree lasting 3 years. You *have* to do an undergrad degree first (usually 4 years) and admission is heavily influenced by a standardised test (LSAT). After completing JD, you'd take the bar exam for the relevant US state. If you passed, you would be qualified to practice.

In the UK, law is an undergraduate degree lasting three years. To practice law you have to pick which legal proffession you want to be in - solicitor or barrister - after your law degree you take a professional practice course (either LPC or BVC) lasting 1 year, and then a sort of legal apprenticeship (training contract or pupillage) in which you work with an established practitioner. If you successsfully complete all that then you are qualified.Advice please: I want to study law, UK route or US route?
hi this is ali from neo overseas consultancy i suggest u to go UK

for all further details just call on this number ok 9849088843 { madhu }

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